An avid book lover, I’m often asked for – and interested in – good book recommendations. I decided to make a list, once and for all of the top 5 Christian books that have changed my life (other than the Bible). I’ve read a lot of good books, so this was hard. Being a book lover, there were a few ties.
Some of these are contemporary and some oldies but goodies:
1. C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. OK, this was a tie, because I love C.S. Lewis and each book had equal impact. Mere Christianity showed me the beauty of apologetics and explaining the basics of the faith in a straightforward, philosophical way, while The Screwtape Letters is an exercise in creative thinking – specifically, looking at the great battle of daily life from the perspective of the enemy.
2. Donald Miller: Searching for God Knows What and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. One of my favorite authors, this was also a tie. Mille is most famous for Blue Like Jazz and his modern Storyline. His writing is personal, honest and thought-provoking – three important qualities for any modern author. Always stimulating but never scholarly or preachy, finishing one of Miller’s books makes you feel like you just finished a conversation with a friend.
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