Book Review: Love Your Life, Not Theirs


The highlight of last week was definitely the launch party for financial expert Rachel Cruze’s latest book, aptly titled, Love Your Life, Not Theirs.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A writer and speaker with a passion for the millennial generation, Cruze uses heartwarming wit and charm to deliver sound financial wisdom, including several key points:

  • Quit the comparison game.
  • When you compare yourself to your friend’s live in their newsfeed or Instagram, you’re chasing make-believe.
  • We all have financial habits. Let’s make them good ones.
  • Debt is a dead end.
  • Blessed vs. #Blessed, and more.

Redefine “I deserve it.” Stop looking at your parents. Know what you value. Take control of your life.

As Cruz writes, “Content people are satisfied. Content people are at peace. Content people save more and avoid debt.”

The reward for this is spending on purpose and a lifestyle of giving.

Highly recommended – you can check it out here: Love Your Life, Not Theirs, by Rachel Cruze. Lampo Press 2016.