Death of a Morning Dove

Stop twittering God’s word. Stop it right now, I say.

You know what they call Bible verses on Twitter? Considering that they are significantly shortened… twerses.

Come 2 me all u who r weary and I will give u rest.

Who do u say that I am?

Sometimes you can get the whole thing in, sometimes not. I keep waiting for someone to tweet, Jesus wept, but it hasn’t happened yet.



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Give me Liberty

In honor of Independence Day, one of my all-time favorite speeches/poems, “The War Inevitable” by Patrick Henry:

They tell us, Sir, that we are weak unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.

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How to Love

Dear children, let us not love in word or speech, but with actions and in truth. This verse was laid on my heart his past week . And I’m not sure why, but I do know nothing more clearly sums up the gospel than this direct mandate to love with action…not intention, promises, text messages or speeches.

My sister was born when I was four, and we have a home movie where my mom is filming me sitting on my Dad’s knee right before her birth, asking me what I am planning to teach the new baby. Ride a bike, have a tea party, braid hair…there was no wrong answer to this question, really.

I think for a minute – you can see the little wheels turning in my mind. After all, it had to be something good. Continue reading…

Book Review: START

Ladies and gentlemen, back for his second best-selling debut since Quitter, it’s Jon Acuff with his brilliant new book START.

While Quitter wisely counseled us not to quit our day jobs to early in pursuit of our dreams (use it to fund/fuel your dream), START urges us to find that dream – chart a path out of the land of average starting…now.

Do work that matters.

Punch fear in the face.

See, you don’t even have to leave the cover to be inspired. Continue reading…

Long and Boring

Quote of the Day, from Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker:

“Drawing prayer circles often feels like a long and boring process, and it can be frustrating when you feel like you’ve been circling forever. You start to wonder if God really hears, if God really cares. Sometimes his silence is deafening. We circle the cancer. We circle our children. We circle the dream. But it doesn’t seem to be making a difference. What do you do? My advice: stop, drop and pray. Keep circling. Circle for seventy years if you have to! What else are you going to do?

We live in a culture that overvalues fifteen minutes of fame and undervalues lifelong faithfulness. Maybe we have it backward. Continue reading…

When All of God’s Singers Get Home

As someone who has attended a contemporary church for many years now, I recently came across an old hymnal, Songs of the Church, that must have been stolen (Did I say stolen? I mean borrowed) from one of the churches of my childhood.

I remember being particularly fascinated by this hymnal as a child because it had its own Ten Commandments on the front pages:

Thou shalt not bend my backs together…
Thou shalt not use me as a fan…
Thou shalt not mark on me…
Thou shalt no use me to hit the babies. (Good one!..How about we not use it to hit anyone?) Continue reading…

He is Risen

As we enter into Holy Week, it’s time to focus on the three most powerful words in the entire Bible:

He is risen.

You see, “He is risen,” is quite frankly the answer to just about every important question you can ask.

What happens after we die?
He is risen.
Will I overcome cancer?
He is risen.
Will I see my child again?
Will I beat this addiction?
Is there hope for those in darkness?

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Parting the Red Sea

Thought of the day, taken from The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson:

“All of us love miracles. We just don’t like being a situation that necessitates one.

We hate finding ourselves between an Egyptian army and a Red Sea, but that is how God reveals his glory. We want God to part the Red Sea while the Egyptian army is still in Egypt. We want God to provide for our need before we even need it. Continue reading…

From the Blog of Thomas Jefferson

In honor of President’s Day this past month, this blog is dedicated to quotes from my favorite president, Thomas Jefferson. I’ve always appreciated Jefferson’s famous logic and eloquence. A Renaissance man in the true sense of the word, he adored literature, music, religion, science, nature, politics, and spoke five languages fluently.

The founding fathers, including Jefferson, designed our country with a surprising amount of foresight, when you consider that they were a bunch of rebels forming a makeshift constitution on an untested democratic model.  When I think of Jefferson in modern terms, I think of him tweeting and blogging from the floor of Congress, famous pithy comments such as: Continue reading…