The Science of Y’all

As one raised in the South, it’s high time we had a post on the art of y’all.

First and foremost, y’all is an actual word. If you don’t recognize this, you’d better stop reading now.

No one knows for sure when y’all first originated. It was probably not around to welcome the pilgrims on the Mayflower, but somehow had crept into common use by the Civil War. When shots were first fired at Fort Sumter, I’m pretty sure someone said, “Lookout, y’all!”

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Thoughts from the Beach

This blog is brought to you from the white sands of Gulf Shores, Alabama. Be very jealous.

I haven’t posted much in June, and the simple reason for that is, I’ve been on vacation, and it’s hard to blog from the beach.

Not that there is any shortage of things to write about…
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Live Long and Prosper

This weekend is Father’s Day, which makes it time for memories about Dad.

Growing up, I thought all dads drank SunDrop and read Discover magazine when they came home from work. I was surprised to learn other families didn’t have observatories with telescopes in their backyard…a fact that was less amusing when I was a teenager and found out that some of my friends thought it was an outhouse.

Things I remember about my dad when I was young? He could bounce a ball on his nose like a sea otter.  When I was small, he let me sit on his shoulders …calmly removing my hands when I accidentally placed them over his eyes.

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Lies Your Mother Told You

We all love our mother, but over the years, collectively, moms have told their share of fibs.

For example, “Don’t eat that food on the floor..You’ll get sick!”

So not true…haven’t they heard of the five-second rule?

I was well in my 20s before I realized you could wash dark clothes with light clothes and your washer and dryer wouldn’t explode. And while washing your hands is always a good idea, you won’t drop dead if you don’t. Continue reading…

A Jolly Holiday

I’m in the mood for a holiday. And I don’t think I can make it till June.

Memorial Day is coming up. But there have to be things to celebrate today. So I went online and found a list of American holidays that seem to get overshadowed by patriotism and that bossy Cinco de Mayo.

You can thank me  later.

Drumroll, please!

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That’s Not What I Meant

I have a love-hate relationship with my autocorrect. Mostly hate.

Nothing is more irritating than trying to text your friends and having your phone insert what it thought you meant.

Some are mildly annoying:

Has anyone seen the great stapler? (gray)

I’m picking up your horse! (hose)

I’m getting in the cat now. (car)

Burp!  (BRB…be right back)

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Spring is in the Air

Well, sort of. After a confused groundhog predicted it would be an early spring, March came in like lion and out…like a lion. The first few weeks of April weren’t much better.

If you live in a state like Tennessee or Alabama, you know summer starts creeping in around March, making the next three months a meteorological wrestling match in which warm weather usually triumphs. Continue reading…

To Catch a Twitter

I was sitting here this morning thinking about the fundamentals of Twitter.  I confess, I have mixed feelings about Twitter.

On Twitter, as you know, you have tweets. So does that make the person who tweets them a tweeter?

And if I re-tweet a tweet, am I a re-tweeter?

If you are following a tweeter, their tweets will twitter in your feed where you can tweet on other people’s tweets. Continue reading…

Scarves, Jelly Beans and Vacuum Cleaners

My mom’s birthday was this past week. And I have to say, of all family members, shopping for my mother is always the hardest, as she likes to pick out her own jewelry and clothes.

I used to get her books, but then she got a Kindle, and getting someone a virtual book isn’t as exciting a present. And curiously, my mother seems to have the anti-technology gene. What I mean is, we can all get the same technology for Christmas – MP3 players, for example, and my mother always seems to get the one with the broken power button that won’t work right that we have to take back to the store. Continue reading…

10 Things I Learned From the Oscars

1.  If you joke about an event being awkward over and over, it will probably be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

2.  Apparently the best way to get an Oscar is to play a weirdo in an independent film no one has heard of. Like Christoph Waltz. (For a master class in this, see Phillip Seymour Hoffman.)

3.  Never wear pink spandex pants to the Academy Awards. Because you might win an Oscar for something awkward…like Best Hair and Makeup, and then you’d have to go up on stage to claim it. Continue reading…